Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Excuse me, I have to pet a dog.

Back again. The introductory stuff is out of the way for now, more or less, so let’s dive right in.

When I am out and about, which does not happen often, I carry a digital SLR and take photographs of anything that could possibly be turned into a piece of work. When in a hurry, say when walking the dog, an iPhone can do surprisingly well for my purposes too, although I often come back later with the serious rig and follow up on whatever it was that interested me.

Thanks to an inscrutable fate, I live in one of the toniest and most photogenic towns in the Northeast. The people here are enormously wealthy, or are doing a bang up job of faking it. I am neither enormously wealthy, nor anywhere near it. It simply happened that after World War II my dad got a house here with the help of a G.I. loan, and the town fathers have never yet succeeded in throwing me out.

Several beautiful parks are within easy walking range for the dog and me, and provide a good deal of material for my work. I am not terribly interested in dramatic panoramas; I like fields and stone walls and the more intimate nature of an inhabited landscape.

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