Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So, here we go with Blog 2.0.

Let’s get the biographical part out of the way. I first attended Boston University, where I got a Bachelor’s in History. Before long I saw the light, and went on to take art at Manhattanville College, and left there with an art degree (cum laude; I have to have something to brag about). Finally I ended up at Parson’s School of Design, in Manhattan. I studied illustration there, until the money ran out.

After that I took the day job route while pursuing my muse at night. A couple of times I nearly made it into the comic book biz, but it never worked out. I was too slow for one thing, and for another I couldn’t settle on a style. In the end I got laid up for a couple of years due to various health annoyances, and decided to renovate my life.

One or two false starts later I found myself working with pastels, with the occasional foray into drawings executed with various chalks. The drawings are usually studies, or draft versions for paintings.

One of the chalks I use is called “Sanguine Hell.” How can you not love a name like that?

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